Kitten on Pillow, Toothpick holder
Richards & Hartley company, USA
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Manufacturer: Richards & Hartley Glass Co.
The Kitten on Pillow has been reproduced in China, but not in
vaseline. There are slight differences between the original and the
reproduction. I have seen the reproduction in a very dark amber, a
forest green, a cobalt blue, a yucky pink, and a frosted clear. The
piece was originally made in a medium amber, a medium blue, this
vaseline, and clear (no frost). There is limited detail on the
reproduction: cat\'s ears are almost non-existent, hair of cat has
little detail, and the tail is thicker. Detail on the daisy and button
pattern is also pretty bad.
Size: 3 3/8" (86mm) high
Text and Image ©2008 Dave Peterson (