Could be designer, glassmaker, lampworker etc.

Named person or persons

Bear (stylised)

M. I. Tarnavasky, Ukraine, 1965

Product details

Bird iridised 1992

Alan Fox, Western Australia. 1992.

Product details

Bird iridised 1995

Alan Fox, Western Australia. 1995.

Product details

Bird on Stand

Harry Ellaway, UK 1950's + ??

Product details


Harry Ellaway, UK 1950's + ??

Product details


Harry Ellaway, UK 1950's + ??

Product details

Deer (head down)

Harry Ellaway, UK 1950's + ??

Product details

Dog (stylised)

M. I. Tarnavasky, Ukraine, 1965

Product details

Drunk at Lamp-post 0

Harry Ellaway, UK 1950s + ??

Product details

Duck with hat

Harry Ellaway, UK 1950's + ??

Product details

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